Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the holidays are fun and fulfilling

I'm sure my boots will agree D:

try following this guy's boots.

any cadet who manages the same standard gets promoted to SI immediately

ok fine, I'm kidding.

argh it looks like kilat but it's not.
just boots from a guy who is a professional shoe polisher
who spent an hour on them -.-

and i miss my peeps man.
somehow the people from wizards aren't united
but i would love to go out with them any day.

missed cell today D:
but here's some food for thought

Passage Luke 11:9-13:

9And I say unto you: ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
10For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
11"If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
12Or if he shall ask for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
13If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"

this passage is about the graciousness of God.
It's 21st century KJV btw.

Area meeting for Area 10 this friday after training.
I do think it's going to be a waste of time since Anglican High isn't in charge of anything.
and we most definitely cannot vote since both lj and I are newbies
but at least we show that ahs exists

yea and I updated!
stop complaining D:

The Boy Does Nothing - Alesha Dixon

giving up is the easy way out? But nobody said life was easy

Monday, January 12, 2009

hair like stardust!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

i'm confused

Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new year!

it's 2009!
too bad if school's starting tomorrow:DD

my hopes for the year are that...

i will continue to grow in my walk with God

my friends' dreams will all come true

everyone is happy

i can get into a school of my choice!

AHNP to soar higher!

to be a good CI to the cadets

pretty much sums up everything:D

for me, one of the more memorable events of 2008 would be the CIBTC
i miss Bravo!
i miss Wizards!
and i thank God sincerely for all the friends he had given me throughout the course:DD

to 2009,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

what becomes of a broken hearted - WestLife

As I walk this land of broken dreams
I have visions of many things
But happiness is just an illusion
Filled with sadness and confusion

[Shane (All):]
What becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind

[Mark (All):]
Fruits of love
Grow all around (all around)
But for me they come a-tumbling down (a-tumbling down)
Every day heart aches grow a little stronger
(Just a little stonger)
I can't stand this pain much longer
I walk in shadows searching for light (searching for light)
Cold and alone no comfort in sight
(No comfort in sight)
Hopin' and prayin' for someone to care (someone to care)
Always movin' and going nowhere

What becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind
Help me please

I'm searching though I don't succeed
(I don't succeed)
Someone's love there's a growing need
(Such a growing need)
All is lost there's no place for beginning
(No beginning)
All that's left is an unhappy ending
Unhappy ending

[Shane (All):]
Now what becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind
I'll be searching everywhere
Just to find someone to care
I'l be looking every day
I know I'm gonna find a way
Nothing's gonna stop me now
I'll find a way somehow

What becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
I know I've got to find
Some kind of peace of mind
Oh yeah
What becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
What becomes of the broken hearted
Who have love that's now departed
What becomes of the broken hearted

Saturday, November 08, 2008

So Hot-Wonder Girls

yoobin's rap is good(:
i like my new blogskin:DDD

Os are ending
gotta keep running though(:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

the ugly side of CCAs.

I'm dying soon la
last shot at MJC.

I'll be back