Thursday, March 27, 2008

i am free now.
the week was rather hectic :)

i feel weird without campcraft trainings suddenly haha
but running around the school today was good enough.
the photocopying shop auntie is so slowwwwwww
i was late for Malay already and she still took her own sweet time
all i wanted to Photostat was 2 pieces of paper.

was sweating like a horse (cow? whatever) by the time i reached the Malay class
and i forgot my textbook.
haha. so happy. =="
with no textbook comes no info to study for quiz
cikgu asked me to share with this guy from 4A.
haha. he's a nice guy :)
he didn't flip the page till i finished copying :))

sharing jia-min's textbook with valerie was hilarious.
hehheh. nice cake. haha

haha. vivi! i still can't believe you handed up those drawings as ss homework! :D:D
we'll face the music together! :D

steppin' down soon. argh.

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