Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my beloved sec4syy

As inspired by ngik hiong's and jolene's enthusiasm about blogging bout' the sec 4s

i decided to do one too.

But first, i want to do a recount. (AGAIN??)
when i first knew that i was in NPCC
i sweared :X
(i was quite vulgar when i was sec1 and 2)
NPCC was my 2nd choice (1-CO,3-SJAB,4-English drama,5-computer club)
so i totally didn't expect to get in NPCC manz
Unbeknown to most of you,
so i was dying to go to CO
but argh, mrs neo say cannot change.

when to the first training held in the history room
where i was sitting with val they all if i'm not wrong
ms teo rattled on and on.
and i believed every word she said man.
innocent mind cheated by evil OC cum history teacher's propaganda
But i really didn't like this guy in PT kit that looked like an ah-beng with this bag thing clipped to his pants (act cool)
cause i've never seen him using it

the next few trainings were practically tekan tekan tekan then make us do weird things like lie down in the concourse and stare into the sky.
i never understood why eng kiat sir always picked people like balh blah(you know what i mean) all the chiox girls. pff.

it was until the GRAND arrival of Xiu Min ma'am, Jia Ying ma'am and Mervyn sir that i started to feel this love for NP.
they allowed us to volunteer and were MUCH MUCH more reasonable.
(unlike ek sir who pumped us like 200+ when our floor was black<-like hello~ )

June camp was enjoyable.
i learned a lot from that camp.
ATC that year, i was paired with MEGAN.
whom i thought was a teeny weeny bit whiny o.O
very de niang and campcraft not so good :P
but she was always beside me!
awww no matter how tired or scared i was, megan was always, always beside me.
and ms poh! <-:D:D:D:D joined us too.

Sec3 life was the bomb.
We're preparing for yet another stage in our NP life, NCO-ship
because we had no seniors before us. none of us were sure what to do.
but i daresay. we did it well.

that year, i joined .177 air rifle,NDP, interunit quiz, .22, OBSingapore as well as OBSabah.
all were opportunities for me to learn

in .177, i learnt how to work under extreme stress and pressure, using it as a force to push myself to the limit.

in NDP, i got to know a lot of new commands, got tips on how to be a good NCO/CI and even got a bio tutor!

in interunit quiz, i learnt how team support and encouragement was vital. How we should work together ON STAGE. and how chopsticks can cheer ngik hiong, ashley and valerie up.

in .22, i learnt how you must speak up when injustice is done or you'll regret it.

in OBSingapore, i learnt how important morale is, how to communicate, and how to do the best that you can do. Nothing is impossible, like a first time kayaker kayaking for 8 hours straight.

in OBSabah, i learnt how encouragement can push someone so hard that she is able to do a lot of things she's never thought of before. Also, to control your emotions, keep it to yuorself and continue to help the group move forward.

in sec 4, the shortest phase of my NP life, where i had my POP.
Tears shed and hugs around.
I'm sure we'll never forget each other for life.


I've always thought of you as bossy when we were in sec1 and 2.
so sorry we called you 最能干的。
you were always so outstanding (sec2 group best camper, LMSC best trainee and ATC3 best camper)
honestly, i was a bit scared of you.
and when the first five of us got promoted to staff.
i seriously thought you deserved it. (: (:

Lisa~~ Heyhey lisa.
i've always liked your kickass attitude manz xD
i remember you as this sec1 super enthu gal.
am really glad that you didn't quit and just stuck with us!! :D:D
Your comments are always constructive and you set to make them work :D
wo ai lisa :D

Jia-min jie~! :D
YO LAMER. stop molesting AH CHU~
you're always responsible, smart, funny, enthu ..(list goes on to infinity)
when we were in 1J,2J i didn't talk to you much :(
cause you're always with felicia jianing they all
but i seriously thought you were perfect manz.
was damn damn damn jealous of you la >o<
but i'm really glad to have you as one of my closest friends :)

yes. till now i will do absolutely anything for you :)
that's what friends are for:)
and i meant what i said during the sec4 after POP party.
keep smiling! 当你笑时全世界都会跟着你一起笑。
you deserved that BUC!!
and stop being lame too! stop being influenced by LJM

Rachel=Wen yong
My fellow NPAP mate.
thanks to you, NPAP was a blast.
i'm really sorry if i pissed you off or anything.
Interunit was (Y) too!
:D:D i promise next time if you sleep in the bus and wen yong's not there, i'll lend you my shoulder :)

I didn't know you chant =="
i only know you mumble (mumble mumble)
you were the perfect ATC matey :D
i can still remember your " WAN LING~~" when i smack your butt
and you always ACT shy :D:D

hey yo fellow station inspector.
the 开心果 who will never-say-die
不倒翁!! you ran the unit well:)
you always persevered on when the going gets tough. KUDOS!
miss how we wrote remarks about boon and cheong during the CCA leaders dialogue
and sliding down the samsung slidey thing in wild wild wet!!

Jolene! i was really touched when you watched L:change the world twice JUST FOR ME (don't burst my bubble)
and you're so sweet~ :)))
enjoyed every minute with ah jolene :D
you're sweeter than all of the sweets in candy empire!!

Ray <-happy? :)
the goondo that sat beside me last year i've always enjoyed your company :)
so much so that i didn't bother to pay attention in class xD
and your determination when you've been inspired by ms***** or ms**** :D oh yea! still got XMM

you mega slacker crapz.
sec 1 ask people come.
sec2 you yourself MIA for nearly whole year
sec4 get SPF. manz pei fu ni
glad you pulled me through those horrible leechy days :D
bu ran hui si diao XoX

xiao ling xDD(a.k.a yan ling)
liar liar alert! one of the first people i know in the school. smart and evil >)
and please dun call me flipper. x(
your dance rocked man!

Li jing~
my OBSingapore matey
:D remember the time we sat together at fort canning park and just talked:D
i really miss those days :D
and you're cute actually :D
(PS: re-enactment- li jing uses dust cover to hit HCI guy, indicating he should help her take it)

super fit gal!
muscle muscle :D
i really love how you smile while practicing the dance with us :D
get well soon ok? :)

let's cook your rabbit xD
and i still remember our couple drinks:)
you're always there for anyone.
you won't get annoyed if someone pesters you for hours online

Valerie CHU De Zhi or AH CHU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the smartass.
xD wa your shouting really super horrible. damn loud
we've always been close friends these 4 years(1J,2J i reg no. 21 you 22. 3B,4B i 28 you 29)
even did our homec together!!
when you're crazy you're crazy xD
marvelous sec 3 ic (summore so cute)
who die die also dun want give her ex squad a.k.a MY SQUAD donuts!!

Jian Qiong.
i know you always loved the CCA :D
remembered your happy face when you received your uniform :D
sad you couldn't make it to most trainings because of ICA
and you were like a mother to all of us!!

ZWX- zhang wen xin (wenxin* xDDDDDD)
i did that on purpose.
you always exude a lot of energy
and make all around you wanna dance! :D
laugh laugh laugh!
in case you forgot, you were in my ATC group in sec3!
:D:D but you and sheena always forget about me :D

i said a lot sir..
just wanna say this again. I LOVE YOU SIR!!! :D:D:D

i will listen to you! work hard and bring back that best trainee award at CIBTC!!
we didn't know that you actually looked forward to friday trainings that much.
i was very touched and cried.
i'm really really glad that we have managed to change your view about NPCC :)
i really respect you a lot too. you're like a role model to me in a lot of ways!
(i stuck the N back :D)

i will always remember all my sec4 squadmates, officers and juniors!! :D
although i'm not that close to you all and i hate taking pictures.
i really wish you will all continue to put in your heart and soul into AHNP and continue to love it!

special mention-
this is extra. cause this person isn't from AHNP :).
but i really want to thank this person too
lame freako
but he was the one who pushed both sheena and i up kinabalu =="
they say looks can be misleading, in his case, yes.
His kiampa look super scares you away.
but inside, he's this super caring and sweet guy ahaha.
thanks for helping me so much.
be it NP problems or anything else.
he will always be there :)

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