Sunday, February 24, 2008

Speak CHEEM english

From now on, I, teo wan ling, shall resolve to speak perfect English.

"Why so?", some may ask.

I have been terribly traumatised by Ian's lack of slangs and grammar mistakes. He also uses a form of vocabulary which requires me to either ponder over its meaning for a few minutes or give up and resign myself to a dictionary.

(Note: I took at least ten minutes to finish that paragraph.)

It has never ever occurred to me that the use of extremely incomprehensible vocabulary would be of this much importance to modern society's English language. This is terribly disturbing as these would be the very same people who will set the benchmark for the O level English examinations.

However, as they say " It is never too late to try." I believe that with the help of a thesaurus, I would hopefully be able to attain a better grade in English.

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